تم إصدار العدد الثاني من المجلد الثاني والعشرون لعام 2024 حيث تضمن
بحوث ضمن مجالات مختلفة، تجده عبر أعداد المجلة المجلد الثاني والعشرون - العدد الثاني.
آخر موعد لإستقبال الأبحاث:
10 /09/ 2024 م
موعد النشر للعدد القادم:
15 / 09 / 2024 م
لا يتم نشر الاوراق العلمية الا بعد موافقة المشاركين في تأليفها
لاي نقاش حول موضوع بحث يجب الاتصال مباشره بالمؤلفين الموقعين ادناه
]Amnah Alrobai and DR. Rabab Mujalled[
]Department of Information Science, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia[
With the proliferation of internet applications and services, human life has become different from what it was before, as the speed and ease of information exchange have increased, alongside the potential number of parties that can exchange information. This also means that the concept of security is no longer limited to the computer that retains the original information but has extended to the security of digital information. Moreover, information security no longer applies only to access to it, but also to what the user can do with that information. Encryption is no longer sufficient, as the user can easily or unintentionally transfer unencrypted information to users who are not authorized to access and view it.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.62690/ijssp212
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